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Monkey Swing

Monkey Swing

This canvas was a re-do that I took on during my "makeover challenge" one week. I really wanted to move my body while I painted so I used a big paint brush and scrubbed in paint. No planning, little thinking, just wet-into-wet for that first new layer. That way of approaching this canvas carried through to subsequent layers and revisions and soon my eye could pick out two abstracted monkeys swinging in the trees. I gave them something to hang onto  and water to swing over. This one reminds me to stop holding on so tight, whether to the paintbrush or to the goal you've set... take time to have fun too!





This piece is part of my Simpson Exhibit “Movement.” Let me tell you about it.


During 2024, I’ve been purposely leaving visual evidence of MOVEMENT in my artwork. 


Why does MOVEMENT matter? 


In life, we don’t always like changes that come into our lives and sometimes we do everything possible to resist making needed changes. 


In contrast, when we choose to make moves– literal or metaphorical– they’re usually positive. 


The exploration and play involved in creating these art pieces felt positive to me. They showcase making artistic choices and staying open to whatever comes next. 


I hope any of the pieces in this exhibit-- whether you see them at the gallery or bring them to your home-- will serve as positive reminders of the positivity related to “choice” and the beauty of moving forward.


    $1,000.00 Regular Price
    $900.00Sale Price
    Excluding Sales Tax
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